Health & Nutrition Coaching
Uncover the health and nutrition goals that are most important to you, and discover how to “connect the dots” so you can get from where you are now to becoming the “healthy you” that you really want to be.

Experience Lasting Change
Finally, you can experience lasting change with personalized attention and scientifically proven strategies that encourage your strengths and motivation, and maximized results with support and accountability provided by your coach.

Customized Plans
Reach your wellness goals at a pace that works for you with customized step-by-step action plans uniquely designed to create sustainable changes for improved health that will last.

Learn how to harness the
healing power of food to take control of your health!
You’re a “super woman!” You’re out there 24/7 – doing everything for everyone. And you’re amazing at it. The catch is, that it doesn’t leave much time left over for you. In fact, you can be so busy taking care of everything, and everyone else, that you rarely think of taking care of yourself.
Your busy “day-to-days” have turned into years of fast food meals-on-the-go; long days at work; playing “catch up” with the family at home; and late nights spent making sure everything is ready for “tomorrow.” And the never-ending hustle is exhausting and seems to be taking it’s toll.
You’re not in your 30’s anymore, and you can feel it: You’re tired, and frustrated with your body. Weight doesn’t come off like it used to. Late nights have turned into sleepless ones. And recurring symptoms that don’t seem to go away – like bloating, brain fog, UTIs and headaches – lead to fears of serious illnesses. It feels like you are losing control of your health. You know you need to do something, because you have a life to live, and people are counting on you!
So, you’ve tried it all — every “diet,” fad, and trending health topic that has popped up in your in-box or on the web. But, you haven’t been able to stay with any of them.
You just want to regain control and find natural solutions that are going to make a real difference in your health that will last.
But, let’s face it, with your busy schedule, who has time to sift through all the information out there, to find what’s factual, reliable and what will work for you? The good news is, you don’t have to figure out it alone. You can overcome the overwhelm and take back control of your health by working with Board Certified Master Health Coach, Barbara Walsh.
Barbara Walsh is not just any health coach. She has actually walked in your shoes, and was able to regain control over her health and change her life in the face of a cancer diagnosis, by using the healing power of food. With Barbara as your ally, you’ll pinpoint your wellness goals, co-create a personalized blueprint designed for lasting healthy change, and learn how to apply the power of nutrition in a way that works best for your body and your lifestyle.
Here’s your chance to do something for everyone that’s counting on you by doing something amazing for yourself!
Now it’s your turn. Take control and transform your health from the inside out, starting today, and experience true health and vitality for a lifetime!
Say Hello to Barbara Walsh, NBC-HWC
Board Certified Master Health Coach
Barbara Walsh is a wife, a mom, a graphic designer, and an entrepreneur who overcame breast cancer naturally through the healing power of food and prayer. Barbara’s breast cancer journey led to her desire to empower women to break free from the fear that comes from facing diagnoses by using the power of nutrition to take control of their health every day to experience vibrant health for a lifetime.
Barbara completed her studies with The Dr. Sears Wellness Institute and holds Health Coaching Certifications in Health and Wellness for Adults and Seniors, and Advanced Techniques for Behavior Change. She is a Master Health Coach, Board Certified by the National Board of Medical Examiners.
Whether your goal is to increase energy, loose weight, or “get healthy,” Barbara Walsh will be your ally and guide to help you discover the power of nutrition, and make strides on the unique road map that shows the way to reach your healthy goals.
Healthy Approach
As a health coach, Barbara Walsh, NBC-HWC, partners with women who are ready to break out of the status quo and experience vibrant health. Barbara serves as a guide through the scientifically proven process of behavior change, and a balanced source of support and accountability to help motivate clients to adopt sustainable changes, to ultimately transform their bodies and their health from the inside out.
The Process
The health coaching process is a collaboration. Taking the time to understand the unique needs of each woman is the key to helping clients gain the clarity and focus to determine the health and lifestyle goals they want to achieve. This leads to the co-creation of a tailored strategy designed to empower each woman to adapt, take action, and adopt healthy habits that can be sustained, resulting in lasting change.
Designed with You in Mind
There’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to health coaching. Your unique story is the basis for living your healthiest life NOW. Barbara Walsh will work with you to develop motivation; overcome roadblocks; navigate nutritional information; and co-create custom action plans; so you can reach your goals at a pace that works for you, while providing accountabilty and encouragement throughout the process to help you maximize your results.
Your Free Go-To Guide to Restore Energy and Boost Your Immune System, Naturally is Here!
Get the free guide with 5 simple tips to naturally boost those “Super Woman” energy reserves, and shift your immune system into high gear, so you can stay healthy and strong, and keep on “saving the world” every day (take that flu season)!
Here’s what people are saying about working with Barbara Walsh, NBC-HWC:
“The old saying goes, ‘when you have your health, you have everything.’ I never fully understood it’s meaning until I myself battled for my health. Barbara Walsh is a health-coach that takes you on your own personal journey, you never thought you would experience with corresponding positivity. She wants to know you as a person — what you like, dislike, what your story is — and from there she maps out a plan tailored for you. You learn valuable information, so you too can be proficient in taking your health back.”
“Barbara Walsh was a vital force in helping me create a new, healthy lifestyle. After meeting online weekly and giving me the exact advice I needed, Barbara was an integral part of me not only losing 25 pounds to date, but also recovering my energy and vitality. Barbara is understanding and friendly, but also professional. I always know I can reach out at any time, either to celebrate a success or to ask for needed assistance. I would recommend Barbara for any of your health coaching needs. I look forward to continued success in my healthy lifestyle journey, all thanks to the continued encouragement and expertise of Barbara Walsh.”
Visit The Coach’s Corner Blog
For Healthy Lifestyle & Eating Tips, Recipes and Resources Every Week!
And, Stay Tuned for Podcasts, Coming Your Way Soon!
Discover the Freedom that Comes from Taking Control of Your Health!
Imagine feeling better, looking better, and living your healthiest life NOW! Click below to schedule your free discovery session with
Barbara Walsh, NBC-HWC, Board Certified Master Health Coach, and get started today!
Call Barbara
(973) 670-1795