Hello! I’m Barbara,
I help women take control of their health; break free from the fear
that comes from facing diagnoses; and learn how to harness
the healing power of food to re-engergize their bodies, and experience
transformation and vitality that lasts.
Why I Became a Health Coach:
My name is Barbara Walsh. As a wife, a mom and a business owner, I had a lot of plans for the prime of my life. But, everything changed a few years ago when I went for a routine mammogram and was sent for a biopsy.
Then, I was given the devastating news:
“You have Stage 1 Breast Cancer.”
The oncologist outlined the standard treatment protocol: surgery, radiation, and chemo, without offering any guarantees that these treatments would completely cure me, or prevent the cancer from returning. As I listened, I felt like my life was spinning out of control. The future now looked like an unstoppable conveyor belt going in and out of hospitals, as I endured treatments, and lost my hair. I felt completely helpless.
Now, I had always been a very compliant “patient,” but, I knew that it was time to stop, pray – a lot, and seek another option.
I felt led to roll up my sleeves, and do some research. And what I found was literally an answer to my prayers! I learned about the power of nutrition, and that a strong immune system is the key to health and healing.
Instead of poisoning myself to try to get well, it actually made more sense to me to nourish my body and rebuild my immune system to heal.
I just knew that this was the right path for me. So, I went “all in” with the natural options that I had discovered, and changed the way I ate.
While making the changes needed to rebuild my immune system, something else incredible happened! Stubborn weight that I had gained when I hit 50, started to melt away. And – BONUS – at the end of 31 days, I had lost 30 pounds! I had more energy, I felt better, and looked better than I ever had in my life! And that was just the beginning!
Throughout this amazing process, I kept asking myself: “Why haven’t I heard any of this before? If I had, I probably could have avoided getting cancer in the first place!”
Today, I have a clean bill of health! I continue to be a “clean” eater, and I haven’t gained back the weight I lost! I truly believe that the healing power of food not only transformed my body, but empowered me to overcome cancer – and be my best self!

It has been completely liberating for me to learn that it is possible to take control of my health naturally, and experience lasting transformation!

Now as a Board Certified Master Health Coach, I am passionate about helping women to do the same!
By feeding your body what it really needs, and keeping your immune system strong, illnesses don’t have to be inevitable as we age. I am living proof that the body can be restored – even from a serious disease — like cancer! You can be strong and vibrant for a lifetime!
Truthfully, nothing is more satisfying to me than inspiring women to discover the power of nutrition, and seeing them break free from the fear that comes from a diagnosis, and regain control of their health. In fact, it’s my life’s mission!
If you’re ready for a breakthrough in your health, I can show you the way. Just click below and schedule your FREE discovery call with me today!
Health & Wellness Coaching
Jump start your motivation with health and wellness coaching that helps to reveal the health and nutrition goals that are most important to you, and discover how to “connect the dots” so you can move beyond where you are now to become the “healthy you” that you really want to be!
“Step-By-Step” Plans Uniquely Customized for You!
Reach your personal wellness goals at a pace that works for you with customized step-by-step action plans that are uniquely designed for you, to create healthy habits and sustainable changes for improved health that will last.
Unleash The Power to Reach Your Goals
Forget about the “yo-yo”! Finally, you can experience lasting change with scientifically proven strategies that empower you to reach the healthy goals you have always wanted to achieve. Find encouragement for your strengths and motivation, and maximized results through personalized attention, support, and accountability.

The Healthy Approach
Nothing is more exciting for Barbara Walsh, NBC-HWC, than to see women change their lives by taking control of their health! That’s why Barbara loves to partner with women who are ready to break out of the status quo and experience vibrant health. As your ally, Barbara Walsh will guide you through the scientifically proven process of behavior change, and provide you with a balanced source of support and accountability, to help motivate you to adopt healthy habits, make sustainable changes, and experience lasting transformation of your body and your health from the inside out.
Unique Perspective
Through Barbara Walsh’s personal experience of discovering the power of nutrition, and using it to overcome breast cancer, she has gained the unique perspective of the effectiveness of natural options for improved health. Barbara is living proof that it is possible to take control of your health, and it’s never too late to make the decision to make changes that will transform your body and your life. By feeding your body what it really needs, and keeping your immune system strong, illnesses don’t have to be inevitable, and a diagnosis doesn’t have to be fatal. You, too can learn to use the healing power of food to live your healthiest life now, and be strong and vibrant for a lifetime! Let Barbara show you how!
Here’s what people are saying about working with Barbara Walsh, NBC-HWC:
“If you have your health, you have every opportunity to live this life to the fullest.
Barbara Walsh is a health-coach that takes you on your own personal journey, you never thought you would experience with corresponding positivity. Nutrition is her goal for you, she helps you implements foods and exercise to help you reverse negative diagnoses or
just help you become healthier, whatever your journey might look like. She is an expert in her field who takes you from not having any knowledge about nutrition to having a vast awareness on what to put into your body and what to avoid. You learn valuable information, so you too can be proficient in taking your health back.”
Discover the Freedom that Comes from Taking Control of Your Health!
Imagine feeling better, looking better, and living your healthiest life NOW! Click below to schedule your free discovery session with
Barbara Walsh, NBC-HWC, Board Certified Master Health Coach,
and get started today!
Call Barbara
(973) 670-1795