Imagine reaching your healthy goals and achieving lasting results, once and for all.
Working with Board Certified Master Health Coach Barbara Walsh, can help you overcome the overwhelm of trying to go-it-alone, find motivation, maintain momentum, and break through the barriers that are holding you back from living your healthiest life NOW!

Health Coaching Programs Designed with You In Mind
Virtual Personalized
Pantry Make-Over
Does living and working from home in the “new normal” have you feeling “cooped up” and snacking way more than usual? Give your pantry a healthy make-over from the safety of your own home! The Good Nature Wellness® Personalized Virtual Pantry Make-Over can help you to get back to those healthy goals – and back into those skinny jeans! Board Certified Master Health Coach, Barbara Walsh will personally meet with you virtually through video conference and help you take stock of what’s in your pantry, fridge, and freezer, and help you formulate practical steps to make healthier choices when it comes to meals and snacks for yourself — and your family.
45-minute, Pre-Pantry-Make-Over coaching session to discuss your needs and goals.
3 Hour Virtual Pantry Make-Over Session held via video conference.
45-minute, Post-Pantry Make-Over follow-up session held via video conference.
Keys to reading food labels fact sheet, and the “good, better, best” healthy pantry re-stocking guide.
The Fresh Start
5-Day Detox for Beginners
Ready for a fresh start for your health?
The Good Nature Wellness® Fresh Start 5-Day Detox for Beginners is a great place to start. This gentle 5-day detox works through the process of removing unhealthy foods and replacing them with foods that nourish your body, and increase your body’s natural detoxification processes. With a focus on nutrient-rich whole foods, mindful eating, movement and self-care, this self-paced program can help you to get a jump start on your healthy goals….and, see and feel results in just 5-days!
30 minute Pre-Detox coaching session to discuss your personal goals, program details and questions.
Session held via video conference.
Detailed Detox Guidebook and Instructions, and Fact Sheets.
Shopping list recommendations.
Recipes for Daily Meals, and Personal Meal Planning Guide.
Support and accountability through
E-mail and Text, during the detox week.
30 minute Post-Detox coaching session to discuss strategies to keep the healthy momentum going!
The Good Nature Wellness®
Whole Foods Colon Cleanse
Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy eating again? Imagine improving your digestive health in just 7 days. Instead of just masking symptoms like indigestion, acid reflux, constipation, gas, bloating (among others), with a temporary over-the-counter fix, you can finally get to the root cause and eliminate them once and for all with the Good Nature Wellness® Whole Foods Colon Cleanse. This self-paced cleanse and teaches you how you can naturally remove toxins from your body, re-set your digestive system, and re-discover your vitality, through nutritious whole foods that your body will love.
60 minute Pre-Cleanse video-coaching session to discover your personal goals, discuss program details, and answer questions.
Guide to cleansing the colon naturally, that includes facts and benefits of cleansing, suggested shopping lists and menu ideas, and step-by-step instructions for the 7 day cleanse.
Unlimited text/E-mail support and accountability during the cleanse week.
60 minute Post-Cleanse coaching session to celebrate your experience and discover how to re-claim the joy of eating and continue feeling amazing every day.
Healthy You NOW!
1-1 Private Coaching
30-Days / 60-Days / 90-Days
Ready to make personal, or doctor-recommended improvements to your health that will last? Private 1-1 Coaching gives you personalized guidance, mentorship, and support, that is uniquely tailored to YOU. Find focus and motivation. Develop and build on your personal strengths. Discover your individualized road map that leads to lasting results. Get the tools and techniques that you need that will help you break through to become your healthiest you!
Weekly 1-1 coaching sessions that are uniquely tailored to meet your needs and goals. Each session is 45-60 minutes.
Coaching sessions take place at times that are convenient for you, via video conference or phone.
Support and accountability throughout the process, plus E-mail and Text support in-between coaching sessions.
Fact sheets, information, and relevant documentation to increase your knowledge and help you move forward with your goals.
The Super Woman’s
28-Day Super Natural Reset
1-1 [or] Group Coaching Program
Want to boost the power of your immune system and regain energy that just won’t quit? Re-energize your body from the inside out with the The Super Woman’s 28-Day Super Natural Reset. This natural whole foods cleanse will teach you how to harness the power of food to detoxify and heal your body, and super charge your immune system. Using real, delicious, foods that are power-packed with nutrients, you’ll see and feel results without feeling starved, or stressed. If you are ready to start restoring energy, feeling better, and looking better in less than 1 month, hit the re-set button on your body, and start recharging today!
4 — 1-1 [or] Group Coaching sessions to guide participants through the
4-week process. Sessions to be held via video conference.
Instructions and Fact Sheets outlining the importance and benefits of cleansing for the body.
Weekly shopping list recommendations.
Recipes for Juices, Smoothies, and Hearty Soups.
Support and accountability through
E-mail and Text, in-between coaching sessions.
Intermittent Fasting
for Beginners
30-Days / 60-Days /90-Days
What is intermittent fasting? And, what can it do for you? Discover the health benefits of fasting for the body and how to use it strategically as an effective way to boost immune system function, gain mental clarity, and shed excess pounds naturally. Learn how to incorporate short-term fasting coupled with nutrient-rich whole foods, in a way that works best for your body and your life, and can be sustained to lead to results.
Weekly 1-1 Coaching Sessions —
4, 8, or 12 Sessions, depending on chosen number of weeks.
Coaching sessions take place at times that are convenient for you, via video conference or phone.
Fact Sheets summarizing the health benefits of Intermittent Fasting.
Support and accountability throughout your chosen program, plus E-mail and Text support in-between coaching sessions.
Menu examples and recipe ideas for typical Intermittent Fasting intervals/days.
Here’s what people are saying about working with Barbara Walsh, NBC-HWC:
“Barbara Walsh is a health coach that takes you on your own personal journey, you never thought you would experience with corresponding positivity. She wants to know you as a person — what you like, dislike, what your story is — and from there she maps out a plan tailored for you. You learn valuable information, so you can be proficient in taking back your health.”
“Barbara Walsh was a vital force in helping me create a new, healthy lifestyle. After meeting online weekly and giving me the exact advice I needed. Barbara was an integral part of me not only losing 25 pounds to date, but also recovering my energy and vitality. Barbara is understanding and friendly, but also professional. I always know that I can reach out at any time, either to celebrate a success or ask for needed assistance. I look forward to continued success in my healthy lifestyle journey, all thanks to the continued encouragement and expertise of Barbara Walsh.”
What is Health Coaching?
Health coaching is a collaborative process that empowers you to achieve your best health. Your coach serves as a mentor and guide who will help you define your health goals; fuel your motivation and momentum; and co-create personalized strategies for sustainable changes that lead to increased confidence and improved health. Working with a health coach also provides you with support, encouragment, and accountability that enables you to move beyond where you are now, and overcome obstacles, so you can achieve a breakthrough to be healthier, live longer, and experience renewed vitality and transformation that lasts.

How do I Know if Health Coaching is Right for Me?
You know you need a health coach if:

You want to make healthy changes, but you don’t know how to get started.

You are overwhelmed by the endless amount of “healthy” advice out there.

You have tried to make changes in the past, and have always found it challenging to stick to your healthy goals.

You can’t seem to stay motivated and positive when you try to make healthy changes.

Your life is busy, and you have so many things to take care of, that you find it difficult to make your health a priority.
Visit The Coach’s Corner Blog
For Healthy Lifestyle & Eating Tips, Recipes and Resources and Podcast Episodes, too!
Discover the Freedom that Comes from Taking Control of Your Health!
Imagine feeling better, looking better, and living your healthiest life NOW! Click below to schedule your free discovery session with
Barbara Walsh, NBC-HWC, Board Certified Master Health Coach, and get started today!
Call Barbara
(973) 670-1795