Like most of you (if not all of you), I’ve been hanging out at home in “quarantine mode.” So, I wanted to share some thoughts about overcoming what I think is the “scariest” thing about the Coronavirus.

With the non-stop reporting on how the COVID-19 Coronavirus is impacting countries around the world, and here in the US, it’s easy to get caught up and become overwhelmed by fear. We’ve all been well-informed that this is a new virus can be deadly, and that there are no vaccines to prevent it, or medications to treat it. Pretty serious, and scary sounding, I agree.

While that is some pretty bad news, the good news is that God designed our bodies with built-in protection through our immune system, which can be our 1st line of defense against illness – including viral illnesses!

While it’s important to follow the CDC’s common-sense guidelines to help to prevent the spread of germs, it’s equally important to be proactive and do what we can do to keep our immune systems strong. That way, if anyone happens to come in contact with the Coronavirus, their immune system will be prepared and up to challenge of defeating it.

It’s obvious, at least to me, that information overload surrounding the Coronavirus has been fueling a panic – from empty shelves in the stores, to people trampling over each other to buy a roll of toilet paper, to uncertain future forecasting.

The constant updates in the news, and on the internet – although intended to “help” us by keeping us informed – may actually be having the opposite effect.

Being in a constant state of stress, fear, and panic, can take a toll by causing people to lose the only defense that they have against the Coronavirus. Because, Fear actually shuts down the immune system.

Ongoing fear causes the brain to prepare for a perceived emergency/threat by triggering the endocrine system to release the hormone Cortisol. The purpose of cortisol when responding to fear is to temporarily “turn off” functions in the body to reserve energy, so we can “fight” or “flee” when we are in danger. This flood of cortisol actually decreases the number of white blood cells (T-cells) and NK cells – those are the body’s natural “killer cells” – effectively de-activating the immune system – leaving us vulnerable to infection and illness.

If you ask me, NOT having an immune system that is working optimally, is actually the scariest thing when it comes the Coronavirus!

So, a big key to keeping our immune system strong is to keep stress and fear in check. How can we keep ourselves from being overwhelmed by fear? Here are a few suggestions:

Exercise – I know for some this might be a “dirty” word! So, let’s call it movement. Movement – any kind, yoga, taking a walk, running, working out – actually activates the immune system! It helps us to release stress hormones while boosting the production of natural “feel-good” chemicals in the brain; protects the body from inflammation; increases circulation and mobilizes our disease-fighting white blood cells (T-cells) which helps to guard the body from infections and chronic illness, and fight off viruses and colds.

Staying Calm– some people find that meditation helps. But, for me it’s prayer. Research studies show that people who pray are healthier! Prayer boosts the immune system and stimulates the body’s immune response when facing illness. Another bonus of prayer? Peace can be found when spending time in prayer and in God’s presence. The bible actually says, that we shouldn’t be anxious about anything, but in everything, through prayer with thanksgiving, we should present our requests to God, and the peace of God which goes beyond human understanding will guard our hearts and minds, through Jesus. I have always found that prayer helps me to turn my thoughts away from the problem and focus on the solutions – especially the ones found in the Bible. When I am facing something big and scary, I pray and I am always reminded that God is faithful, and I can rely on Him and his word, to turn impossible situations into amazing possibilities for me.

The Belief Effect– There are some research studies that have proven the power of believing! It has been shown that when a person believes that their immune system is fighting effectively, and will fight off any illness it is faced with, the brain mobilizes the body’s T and NK killer cells, and the body actually DOES defeat any illness! If you ask me, this one is tied pretty closely to prayer and faith! When I think about the amazing way that God created our bodies, I’m pretty sure that wasn’t a coincidence!

Hopefully, this encourages you, and gives you some tools that you can use to overcome fear, and help protect yourself from the Cornonavirus – or any illness for that matter – by keeping your immune system strong!

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